Centrum 50+ 30 Seg


This is one of a 3 TVC campaign starring Catarina Furtado. The first time Pfizer produced a TVC campaign in Portugal.

Today, the agency, concieved a forced perspective approach to the campaign. We made a very precise previz animatic in 3D, to validate all the choices of lenses, camera, movement and background. Then, the tallented team of Oupas Design built all the props in papercuts - yes, papercuts. It was a real challenge to finish this production in a no-time schedule.
You can check the Making Of on this link: https://vimeo.com/128244619

Thanks all the team for such a great job. Well done!!

Tags: Anúncio Catarina Furtado dentrum Pedro Pinto Pfizer Today Trix Trixfilm TVC